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Kiwi Pumps, Rajkot

Social Responsibility

Social Conscience

KIWI PUMPS is social responsible company. Its products are of high quality, high efficiency and reasonably priced items. The pump designs are based on use of non-polluting water filled motor design. Motors are easily rewindable allowing many years of useful life after carrying out the rewindable work. With the prices of raw materials & metals increasing at very high rate, it makes sense to reuse the resources we have, to the best possible extent.

Kiwi Pumps, since inception has fulfilled its obligations to the society by taking active part, in charities & other people oriented projects. Some of the activities are:

  • Private public co-operation in developing & maintaining plantation of trees in the plot allotted by the municipal corporation for an initial period of 5 years.
  • Contribution to Tsunami relief.
  • Contribution to Earth Quake affected personnel.
  • In general, Saurashtra region of Gujarat receives very less rain and draugh conditions prevail very often. To overcome this situation, a novel method:
    CHECK DAM CONSTRUCTION was carried out in villages with the participation of villagers in terms of money & labour. This has helped storing of rain water and also improving the water level below the ground. These check dams have helped in increasing the availability of drinking water, increase in yield of crops and also increase in number of crops in a year.
  • Girls to Boys ratio is disturbing in Gujarat and is a Social problem. To create awareness “Beti Bachao” hoardings are made at BUS DEPOTS in Gujarat.
  • To improve the mental status & physical status, Art of Living helps to a great extent. Programs are arranged for personnel working in Kiwi Pumps as well as outside public.

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